Sunday, 31 July 2011

Metlink RTI Displays

Waiting for public transport can be infuriating.  So, we love the new Metlink Real Time Information (RTI) displays.

What is RTI? RTI is up-to-the minute information on when a bus or train service is due, based on where the vehicle actually is (from GPS vehicle tracking) – rather than where it should be.
Which services will have RTI? RTI will be progressively introduced across the Wellington region. The introduction started with GO Wellington in April, the next to get RTI is Valley Flyer, then Mana Coach Services and Newlands Coach Service from October, and then Tranz Metro from early 2012.
When will I start seeing RTI displays? The rollout of display signs will be coordinated with the introduction of RTI on each bus and train operator’s services. The February Christchurch earthquake has affected production of RTI display signs. But we’re hopeful that the signs will be installed at key bus stops over a period of several months.
Where will the display signs be installed? Around 190 electronic display signs will be installed at key bus stops such as the Golden Mile, suburban centres, universities, polytechnics and hospitals. Another 60 display signs will be installed at most train stations.
Why are some departure times shown as actual times and others as number of minutes? When a bus or train is being tracked the times shown are the actual number of minutes until that vehicle arrives at the relevant stop or station, for example, ‘12min’ or ‘Due’, if the service is less than 90 seconds away. If a bus or train isn’t being tracked it’s because it hasn’t started its journey or RTI isn’t live on that operator’s services yet. A scheduled time will be shown, which is the time the bus is due to arrive according to the regular timetable, for example ‘12:35’.
What happens if there are traffic delays or service disruptions? RTI is smart. It constantly learns the effects of different conditions on different days and uses this information to ensure accurate predicted arrival times. In the case of major service disruptions, RTI can be used to provide status information or other messages to waiting passengers; enabling travel plans to be amended if necessary.
Is RTI available on the Metlink website? As RTI is introduced to operators’ services, the information will be available online for all bus stops (excluding Wairarapa and Otaki at this stage) and train stations through the Metlink website. You can view the information on the home page through ‘Live Departures’ and ‘Stop Information’. So, you can view live departure times before heading to your stop or station from your home or work. RTI is also available on the Metlink mobile site.
Will RTI be shown in journey plans? No, the majority of journey plans are for journeys in the future, where RTI does not exist. User testing also showed including RTI in journey plans was confusing.
Is RTI available on txtBUS? It will be available on txtBUS later in 2011 for all services that are equipped with GPS tracking. Some minor operator services won’t be equipped initially and for these services scheduled times will continue to be provided as they are currently.
Is RTI available on txtTRAIN? RTI is planned to be introduced on txtTRAIN during 2012.
Is RTI available on iPhone apps? Metlink does not have its own iPhone app, however you can use the mobile site – Our intention is to make the RTI data feed available to third parties, subject to terms and conditions, at a later date.
What about people who can’t see the display signs? Each display sign is capable of providing an audio announcement of the information shown. In due course, arrangements will be made for blind or partially sighted people who are registered members of one of the recognised blind organisations to be able to activate audio messages using a special key fob.
What else can the RTI data be used for? RTI can provide a huge amount of data about how services perform in the real world. With the operators, we will use the information to progressively refine timetables to ensure they are as realistic as possible. It will also eventually be used in contractual agreements covering service quality and performance.
How can I keep up-to-date with the roll out? Find out when RTI goes live on operators’ services and where displays have been installed by visiting the Metlink website or by following @metlinkwgtn on Twitter.
Is there going to be a launch for RTI?  There will be a launch ceremony for invited guests only. 
How does RTI work at a terminus, does it track the preceding journey? RTI is tracking all buses and trains all the time, and will often be able to provide RTI for your trip before the bus or train has even begun the journey based on the location of the vehicle. In some circumstances (e.g. where buses or trains begin shifts at the start of a day) this may not always be possible, and in that instance a scheduled departure time is provided until the vehicle arrives at the terminus ready to start its next journey.
Why won’t RTI be available in Wairarapa and Otaki?  Because of the small number of services, it is possible that RTI will be extended in the future.
Will RTI be on school bus services?  No.
If I’m at a bus stop that doesn’t have a display, how can I access RTI? RTI will be available for bus stops and train stations, including those without display signs through:
   The Metlink website:  -  you can view live departure times before heading to a stop or station from your home or work.
   txtBUS: text: BUS (287) or TRAIN (876).  Simply text your bus stop number to BUS (287) and it will let you know the time of the next three buses scheduled to pass your stop. E.g. 4915 to BUS (287).
   The Metlink information line on 0800 801 700 or 04 801 7000
   The Metlink mobile site:
 Real Time Information will help make catching public transport easier and more convenient. But as with any new system, there may be one or two teething problems. If you spot something that needs fixing or improving, please get in touch. You can call Metlink on 04 801 7000 or email Metlink on:
Much improved on the old school timetable:

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